I meet with people who think they are marketing their business on the Web. They may have a website. They may even have some meta tags and keywords on that site. Maybe they have a small PPC campaign driving traffic to the site.
Picture a stool with three legs. If the seat of that stool is labeled "VISIBILITY" then what do we call the three legs that hold up the stool?
The THREE legs should be:
SEO - sitemap & relevant, updated content, meta tags, etc.
PPC Ads - Effective Ad Copy, Targeted Keywords and Phrases
Inbound Links - take advantage of powerful, relevant directories; adding power to your site
Picture a stool with three legs. If the seat of that stool is labeled "VISIBILITY" then what do we call the three legs that hold up the stool?
The THREE legs should be:
SEO - sitemap & relevant, updated content, meta tags, etc.
PPC Ads - Effective Ad Copy, Targeted Keywords and Phrases
Inbound Links - take advantage of powerful, relevant directories; adding power to your site
You can get leads from the Web if you use any of these three principles but ALL THREE will take your web-presence to another level.
Finally, something helpful. I am constantly working to make my website perform better, but it doesn't generate much business and I don't know if the website isn't appealing or if my marketing isn't effective. When I search within my industry I see my competitors but I'm trying to find someone who can help me get my website up on Google. I've tried, but I don't have time to mess with it. Can you get me on the front page of Google and give me advice on how to improve my site?
I would be glad to help you. Email me your information and I will call you to schedule a meeting.
While the thought makes a lot of sense in today's scenario, there are several marketing activities which cannot by measured directly but have a huge impact on sales in the long term, for example brand perception (for small business's this is achieved through a good website), imagery which helps in differentiating a brand but may not lead to immediate leads or sales. If one were to ignore these facets of marketing, sales will suffer in the long run. So there are many legs to your marketing stool, bottom line remove one and the stool starts to whobble, remove too many and the stool falls over.
Branding is important. I guess I always think of branding (regarding a website) as a nice design, logo, tag line, etc. Branding, name recognition, reputation are are all important when trying to convert prospects to clients. I was referring only to an effective strategy for marketing your brand and/or company on the Web. I am wrong in assuming that all business owners have a handle on their branding message.
I love your 3-legged stool analogy! Makes complete sense. As a small-business owner, I find it imperative to leave the marketing and advertising of my company to professionals. Thanks for all your help, Vince!
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