I heard someone say not too long ago that their definition of insanity is, “repeating the same actions while expecting different results.” Said another way; “if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you always get.”
I met with an attorney this week that doesn’t advertise AT ALL and complains about her lack of business. She said 100% of her clients are repeat clients or referrals but that nobody is spending any money right now because of the economy. While referrals and repeat clients are great, few attorneys in Houston, Texas can rely on them alone. After trying to explain to her that the ONLY reason she hasn’t had clients from the internet in the past is because she isn’t there, I finally resorted to quote from a friend of mine, “you only catch fish where you fish.” The Great One, Wayne Gretzky said it like this, “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
Its 2009! It blows my mind that there are small businesses out there with NO website or even a listing on a Web Directory like
Yellowbook.com, Superpages.com,
Houston.com. Okay, back to my visit with referral only attorney. Listen, I have stats and studies from third parties that PROVE people look on-line to find local products and services and the numbers are growing. Are you just going to ignore ALL of the people that look to the Web to find a lawyer? She didn’t buy anything from me YET. I have a follow up meeting with her next week and I can’t imagine leaving there without an order. I’ll be sure to post what happens.