google-site-verification: googlecc9e0834d1b047d7.html Internet marketing for houston attorneys SEO, SEM, PPC Internet Marketing - Attorneys, Lawyers Houston Texas: Nicole DeBorde's new SEM campaignInternet Marketing, Attorney, Lawyer, Houston, SEM, SEO consultant

Friday, November 21, 2008

Nicole DeBorde's new SEM campaign

When I met with Nicole she was happy with the amount of DUI cases her site was getting from the search engines. I said, “Great, I want to improve those results by adding a focused SEM campaign targeting searches like, ‘drug Charges defense’ and ‘drug possession attorney’ here in the Houston area. This would allow her to expand her current marketing efforts by giving her exposure on the right side of GOOGLE and Yahoo SERPs.
Her site, Houston Drug Possession Attorney is not only informative but also does a great job of converting the clicks that her SEM campaign attracts. After all, CONVERSION is what it’s all about. Who cares how many clicks you get if nobody contacts you?
Nicole is well-known and has a great reputation here in the Houston legal community. She is a former District Attorney and has appeared numerous times on national news channels including MSNBC and Fox News.

DID YOU KNOW? Nicole is married to another criminal defense attorney here in Houston.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
